Red Star® Nutritional Yeast was present during IFT in Chicago.
This event was the opportunity for our team to meet many visitors including our customers and future ones.
IFT exhibition is the right place to discuss about food ingredients, future of foods and meet expert from the food industry.
In this context, presenting Red Star nutritional yeast was an obvious choice.
At Chicago, our team presented the whole range of nutritional yeast:
- Red Star® Nutritional Yeast for superfood market
- Red Star® Nutritional Yeast for food service
Red Star® Nutritional Yeast is a golden nutritional nugget full of nutrients such as non-animal protein, mineral, fiber, and lots of B vitamins. This ingredient is fortified with six B vitamins:
- Vitamin B1
- Vitamin B2
- Vitamin B3
- Vitamin B6
- Vitamin B9
- Vitamin B12
These B vitamins are important for many health benefits such energetic metabolism, immunity, and cognitive health.
This yeast is easy to use when sprinkled on food or to when incorporated into delicious recipes.
Red Star® Nutritional Yeast is also available for food service within different packaging to meet consumer’s needs:
- To be used in the restaurant with the small jar
- To be used on the go with the individual sachet
- To be used directly by chefs in the kitchen with the pails

Come to visit us during next event and next year during IFT!