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Yeast are single-celled microorganisms. They are coming from a specie called Saccharomyces cerevisiae. These microorganisms are found naturally alive, when alive they can ferment to produce breads, alcoholic beverage such as beer and wine. Yeast can be found inactivated to be used as nutritional yeast.

Nutritional yeast is a yeast consumed for its nutritional profile. Nutritional yeast can a primary grown yeast or a brewer’s yeast. Primary grown yeast is cultivated expressly for its nutritional components and inactivated. Brewer’s yeast is a by-product from the brewer industry. The two types of yeast present different nutritional profile and properties. For example, brewer’s yeast contains gluten while primary grown yeast does not. Nutritional yeast is full of nutrients including non-animal protein, minerals, fibers, and B-vitamins.

Red Star® nutritional yeast is a primary grown yeast.

Red Star® primary-grown nutritional yeast is an excellent source of protein, containing an average of 50% protein by weight. Red Star® nutritional yeast is a source of dietary fiber and contains a wealth of vitamins and minerals, particularly the B vitamins. And since Red Star® Nutritional Yeast tastes great, you’ll enjoy adding it to your favorite meals, drinks and snacks.

Nutritional yeast is a “perfect food,” packed with nutrition, yet naturally low in fat and salt. Red Star® nutritional yeast contains no added preservatives, flavors or colors and is naturally gluten-free.


Primary Benefits:

· A “super” food, providing nutrition and enhancing flavor in your favorite meals, drinks, and snacks

· An excellent source of protein, containing essential and non-essential amino acids

· Rich in B-complex vitamins, including B12 (an essential B-vitamin for vegan and vegetarian)

· Naturally low in fat and salt, with no added preservatives, flavors, or colors

· Kosher certified

· Naturally gluten-free

Red Star® Nutritional Yeast is NOT brewer’s yeast, a by-product of the brewing industry. Many people find that nutritional yeast has a smoother, more “cheesy” taste than brewer’s yeast, which tends to be bitter even after processing. Additionally, because nutritional yeast does not come in contact with barley (like brewer’s yeast), it is gluten-free and safe for people with Celiac disease. Red Star® nutritional yeast is NOT an active baking or brewing yeast. It is an inactive yeast grown expressly for its nutritional components. Red Star® nutritional yeast is NOT a genetically modified organism (GMO), unlike some yeast that are used in baking and beer and wine production.
Lesaffre, which makes the Red Star® brand, is a premier manufacturer of primary-grown nutritional yeast products. We have over 50 years of extensive experience in the development and production of nutritional yeast products, and over 170 years of experience manufacturing other types of yeast. Our ongoing commitment to innovation, quality and service has resulted in making Lesaffre the largest manufacturer of yeast products in the world
Red Star® Nutritional Yeast is good for 24 months when stored in a cool dry area, away from direct sunlight.
Red Star® nutritional yeast is gluten-free.
Red Star® nutritional yeast is allergen-free.

Yeast can be considered man’s oldest industrial microorganism. It is likely that man used yeast before the development of a written language. Hieroglyphics suggest that the ancient Egyptians were using yeast and the process of fermentation to produce alcoholic beverages and to leaven bread over 5,000 years ago. The biochemical process of fermentation that is responsible for these actions was not understood and undoubtedly looked upon by early man as a mysterious and even magical phenomenon.

It was not until the invention of the microscope, followed by the pioneering scientific work of Louis Pasteur in the late 1860’s, that yeast was identified as a living organism and the agent responsible for alcoholic fermentation and dough leavening. Shortly following these discoveries, it became possible to isolate yeast in pure culture form. With the newfound knowledge that yeast was a living organism and the ability to isolate yeast strains in pure culture form, the stage was set for commercial production of baker’s that began around the turn of the 20th century.

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