Consumers consider sustainability an important driver of food product purchases. Nutritional yeast, especially Red Star® nutritional yeast, is considered an excellent food product in this regard.
Red Star® Nutritional Yeast is an excellent and complete nutritional ingredient. Thanks to a specific production process called fermentation, it is also a sustainable food product. Indeed, fermentation is known as a production process that respects the environment.
The substrate used to start the yeast fermentation is called molasse. Molasse is a by-product of the sugar industry. Using a by-product of other industries allows fermentation to limit the land use for raw materials. Fermentation is also a way to produce with limited impact in terms of greenhouse gas emissions. Yeast production generates 20 times less greenhouse production compared to animal products.
In addition, yeast production by fermentation does not use important water quantity. Indeed, water use for fermentation is reduced by 80 compared to animal products. Fermentation production even consumes less water than the production of botanicals.
All these features make nutritional yeast one of the market’s most sustainable sources of nutrients.
The US yeast for US consumers
Consumers also want to limit the environmental impact of local ingredients. They want an ingredient that respects the environment through the production process and with limited transport. Red Star® Nutritional Yeast is produced in Iowa, USA. Red Star® Nutritional Yeast is the only nutritional yeast produced in the USA to serve local consumers.