Discover Red Star® Nutritional Yeast

Discover Red Star® Nutritional Yeast

According to a McKinsey survey, more consumers are interested in healthy food and are looking for ingredients that are full of nutrients. 

Red Star® nutritional yeast is a complete solution to fulfill consumers’ needs in terms of nutrition. 

Indeed, this nutritional nugget is full of nutrients: 

  • B vitamins including B12 
  • Non-animal protein 
  • Fibers 
  • Mineral 

Red Star® nutritional is also almost free from fat, sugar, and salt. Many people want to reduce their fat, sugar, and salt consumption. Knowing salt consumption is a key topic associated with cardiovascular diseases. 

Thanks to this excellent nutritional profile, Red Star® can be considered a key solution by consumers looking for a healthy solution. 

Red Star® nutritional yeast can be used in different tasty recipes such as soups,  

In addition, Red Star® nutritional yeast is one of the healthiest ingredients and can be considered sustainable. It is produced from fermentation, one of the most sustainable production processes. 

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A protein is a complex, large molecule comprising one or more long chains of amino acids. Proteins are essential to the body's tissues and organs' structure, function, and regulation. They play a crucial role in various biological processes.