Discover Red Star® Nutritional Yeast

Discover Red Star® Nutritional Yeast

According to a McKinsey survey, more consumers are interested in healthy food and are looking for ingredients that are full of nutrients. 

Red Star® nutritional yeast is a complete solution to fulfill consumers’ needs in terms of nutrition. 

Indeed, this nutritional nugget is full of nutrients: 

  • B vitamins including B12 
  • Non-animal protein 
  • Fibers 
  • Mineral 

Red Star® nutritional is also almost free from fat, sugar, and salt. Many people want to reduce their fat, sugar, and salt consumption. Knowing salt consumption is a key topic associated with cardiovascular diseases. 

Thanks to this excellent nutritional profile, Red Star® can be considered a key solution by consumers looking for a healthy solution. 

Red Star® nutritional yeast can be used in different tasty recipes such as soups,  

In addition, Red Star® nutritional yeast is one of the healthiest ingredients and can be considered sustainable. It is produced from fermentation, one of the most sustainable production processes. 

Latest news

Consumers are looking for healthier food for their diet. They want to consume food full of key nutrients including fiber. Red Star® nutritional yeast is a crucial solution to boost fiber content in your diet.